Album ENCHANTED 專輯《舞.魅.琴》

TANGO – arranged by Chia-Hui Lu 盧佳慧改編曲《探戈》

Piano is my castle and Music my religion.  Since the day I was born, my life has been surrounded by music.  As a child, I recall the numerous times I stayed under my piano, reading, playing, and dreaming.  To me, the piano is my best friend.  It was the outlet from which I can express my most inner emotions.  Through my piano, I can find myself.  And through music, I felt complete.

Piano playing requires deep concentration and energy.  And I found that without a strong healthy body, it was difficult to reach my desired level of aptitude.  The Japanese Novelist, Murakame Haruki, understood the importance of fitness and ran everyday.  Though I enjoy swimming and scuba diving, these activities proved impractical in Taipei city.  But by chance, I found an exercise that was true to my nature and can really get my cardio up, “Dance”.

As a musician, I thought dancing would be easy because I can quickly find the beat.  But I found my dance to be amusingly awkward.  But with persistence, I grew more in tune with my body.  With dance, I felt my heart beat once again and I began to notice the confidence in my walk, in my posture, and in the way I play the piano.  My rhythm and senses grew sharper and my performances more exhilarating.

With “Enchanted”, I hope to express in my music, the inspiration that dance had brought to me.  In this album, I have included my first recorded transcription, which I interpret as bold and brilliant. 



但,練琴動輒久坐的精神與體力耗損,若沒強健的體魄,是無法勝任的。小說家村上春樹(Murakame Haruki)就是體會到強身之必要,少時起便每日跑馬拉松。於是,除了喜愛的游泳、潛水之外,我開始尋找不受制於天氣能從事的運動;因緣際會下,走進了舞蹈教室。






  於是,我嘗試將《卡門》、〈探戈〉與李斯特三者相扣的關係串連。  由於李斯特的《魔鬼》與《卡門》的故事結尾皆為悲劇,我將原本D大調的〈探戈〉改為D小調做結束,將《卡門》中的〈哈巴奈拉〉舞曲之節奏用於〈探戈〉的一開始,並模仿李斯特之作曲技法。試圖將精緻小巧的〈探戈〉改造成豐富華麗的風格。期能為《舞.魅.琴》專輯增添色彩!

WHERE to buy Enchanted Album 線上購買 :
♫ iTunes
♫ myMusic 線上音樂
♫ FriDay 博客來 
誠品網路 Eslite

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